21 Empath-friendly Movies (good movies for HSPs and Empaths)

This post was inspired by a search on Google for “Good movies for Empaths” and the surprising discovery that a list like this, did not really yet exist.

So I would like to begin suggesting certain films that I feel are suitable for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) and Empaths.

Empaths will tend to find that movies with a lot of negativity, hatred, violence, and (to a point) stupidity, will tend to rub them the wrong way.  Often the negativity, violence, etc., will be taken (rather involuntarily) into the Empath’s energy field, and lodging there, become yet more weight for the Empath to energetically “carry around”, in addition to the general burden the Empath tends to pick up from the suffering/pain/sadness in the world around them.

So it is generally advisable, most Empaths find, to reduce their consumption of gratuitous violence, negative films, etc., for their own psychological, energetic, indeed even physical well-being.

Maybe more details should come on this later.  We would like to begin suggesting some movies.

This should be an ongoing project that should be added to frequently.  Please also suggest your own in the comments.   I look forward to us putting together perhaps some kind of library or reference list (bibliography) of  Films Good for Empaths:

1.  Life is Beautiful  (1997):  

life is beautiful poster

Dir.  Robert Benigni     http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118799/

In a list of “empath friendly films”, it may seem counter-intuitive to begin with a movie that is set in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.     But Life is Beautiful is about one man who somehow finds ways to make this singularly cruel and terrible backdrop into something, dare we say, rather fun and lighthearted.

The central character, played by Benigni, is devoted to keeping his son from feeling depressed or scared in the camp, through treating the entire situation as one great game, that nobody can let on they are playing.

While that may sound absurd and a rather tenuous premise, Benigni pulls it off brilliantly, making this one of the most heart-warming and beautiful films of all time, in my opinion (and many Empaths may feel something of the same way).

The final scene may make you cry, if you are an Empath (it never fails to for me).  But they are tears not of sadness, but somewhat in awe of the great and terrible beauty, the incredible beauty and generosity human beings can show.    In any case, just a wonderful movie that everyone, (especially Empaths perhaps), should see at least once.

We may also take it as a commentary on the techniques Empaths can master to “make a heaven out of” what often seems a bit more like a hell, a world that may be difficult for them.   If Benigni’s character can make such a hell into a lighthearted place, perhaps we Empaths can perform a similar transformation on the more mundane hells and purgatories of our lives.

2.  Adam (2009)


Adam, the title character, has Asperger’s syndrome.  He is not an empath, as while Empaths viscerally pick up on the emotions and energies around them,  those on the Asperger’s-Autistic spectrum have something of an opposite problem, generally having difficulty understanding the emotions of others.

However, those with Autism-Asperger’s do have certain things in common with Sensitive Persons (HSPs) and Empaths, which is that they tend to be far more sensitive to stimuli.  Like HSPs and Empaths, they tend to feel that “the world is too much with them,”  and it is a difficult place for them to live in and to interact with others.


This is a beautiful story about one man with Asperger’s, trying to make his way in the world.   Many Empaths and HSPs have been mistakenly described as having Asperger’s tendencies perhaps by parents or those close to us,  and it is touching to see someone with this psychological makeup getting by in the world.

Also a beautiful film and a touching story.  Highly recommended.

3. Truman  (2015)



“Julián receives an unexpected visit from his friend Tomás, who lives in Canada. The two men, accompanied by Julián’s faithful dog, Truman, will share emotional and surprising moments prompted by Julián’s complicated situation.”

This Spanish film is one of the most touching and real portraits of friendship, life, and the issue of death, that has come out in a long time.  Truly a powerful story you will never forget.    Has received excellent reviews for very good reason.  This is one that will stick with you.  In a good way.

As one reviewer said, “See it with a friend.  You will be closer because of it.”  I couldn’t agree more.  But if no friend is available, see it yourself.  You may find it brings you closer to humanity in general. 

4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower  (2012)


Very meaningful film especially for anyone who ever felt “out of place” in high school.  Ah, the weirdos, the misfits–these are the people many Empaths can relate to, since they may often have felt that way themselves growing up.

While Empaths may have been popular or well-liked people, they undoubtedly have often felt themselves, to be people who were a little odd.    The beautiful young characters of this film,  are also certainly outcasts and misfits in that regard.

Many people have commented that they do not want this movie to end, since they feel like they get to know the characters so well.    A very touching film.


5. Amazing Grace (2006)


Provides a good piece of history for understanding the background to the abolition of slavery in Britain…   The main character is certainly portrayed as an idealist, dare we say perhaps an Empath  (he has to stop his cart every time he sees a horse being beaten, getting out in the rain to rebuke and stop the perpetrator of the violence).


6. My Left Foot (1989)

Starring Daniel Day-Lewis


Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb – his left foot.  (This is a biopic telling the true story of Christy Brown)

Deeply inspiring picture, brilliantly acted by Day-Lewis (one of his earlier films) about being able to surmount the unique difficulties one may be born with, to live a novel life.  Christy Brown is no saint-like Helen Keller, but his story is remarkable.

7. Gandhi (1984)

IMDB:  Gandhi’s character is fully explained as a man of nonviolence. Through his patience, he is able to drive the British out of the subcontinent.

Every Empath should see this.  One of the most beautiful biographical films ever produced, on one of the most incredible souls to walk this earth on our century.  Probably the most famous Highly Sensitive Empath in human history (well… perhaps besides Buddha, Jesus, and a couple of others.  Perhaps we should say, one of the most famous in “modern” history).Gandhi-independence-day-673x1024

Gandhi’s story is an incredible one about how a man who was once too afraid to even speak to a table of people (feeling dizzy, stuttering and stumbling, and not able to get his words out), eventually became among the most respected moral leaders on Earth, helping a nation of over 400 million people in humanity’s first ever successful large-scale nonviolence independence movement.

A truly incredible life and accomplishment, and an incredible film.

I hope to produce some articles or books on Gandhi as Sensitive person in the future.  He is really perhaps among the most accomplished and inspirational Empaths of our time.

8. Sensitive: The Untold Story (Documentary) (2015)

A groundbreaking documentary about the temperament trait of high sensitivity found in 20% of the population in both men and women. Based on the findings of bestselling author-psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron (“The Highly Sensitive Person”) (IMDB)MV5BODA4NTc0YzYtNzQ5NC00MDI1LTkyOGYtNDg3MWQ5ZTU5ZTVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQ0MzMwNQ@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_

Documentary based on the work of Dr. Elaine Aron, the pioneering psychologist who first defined the trait of “High Sensitivity” (or “Highly Sensitive Persons,” and now referred to in the academic Psychology literature stemming from her work as “Sensory Processing Sensitivity”)

Elaine Aron brought scientific and public awareness to the reality of “Highly Sensitive Persons” with her groundbreaking book (The Highly Sensitive Person) published in 1996.   Since then, awareness of High Sensitivity (HSP) has taken off both in public consciousness, and in respected scientific research in the field of Psychology.

High Sensitivity is an innate psychophysical trait found in about 15-20% of humans, and over one hundred species of higher animals.  You can read more about it here at Dr. Aron’s official website.

We all owe a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Aron for bringing awareness to this trait.  Now this feature-length documentary goes further in being the first moving picture devoted to the trait of HSP.   As someone very concerned with issues facing HSPs, I was eager to see this movie, and referred the members of the groups I organize also to see it.  I was not entirely satisfied with the execution (there are some things I may have done differently), but it received generally positive reviews, for good reason, and this is one of the most important, the first, and hopefully the first of many, documentaries made about HSP in our time.

A very important film for all HSPs, Sensitives, Empaths, as well as their families and friends and all people curious about this trait.

9. The End of the Tour (2015)   d359278326b8b0d42da6cc62f3558c54--movieposter-david-lipsky

The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace’s groundbreaking epic novel, ‘Infinite Jest.’   

A sweet and rather powerful movie about an interviewer spending time with the writer David Foster Wallace.  DFW is most certainly a sensitive man (and a misunderstood, rather unusual, rather brilliant one),  and one would think, very probably an Empath.

10. Peaceful Warrior (2006)

“A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast.”


(IMDB): Dan Millman has it all: good grades, a shot at the Olympic team on the rings and girls lining up for the handsome Berkely college athlete all teams mates look up to with envy. Only one man shakes his confidence, an anonymous night gas station attendant, who like Socrates, keeps questioning every assumption in his life. Then a traffic crash shatters Dan’s legs, and his bright future. Now Socrates’s life coaching is to make or break Dan’s revised ambition.

Not a high-budget or very slick or polished film.  But certainly an uplifting and inspirational, could we say “spiritual” film, that reminds one to live in the moment, follow one’s dreams, etc.

Speaks to the transience of some of the things in life we take for granted, and the importance of appreciating what we have and living in the present moment.  This empath, watching this film, found himself often being “brought back to presence” by moments in the film, which is certainly an appreciated effect of seeing a movie.  Keep in mind that it is a low-budget piece, with some of the acting being very B- or C-level at times, but this film is one that may inspire any empath to remember the importance of living in the present moment.

Present moment awareness, of course, being so important for those of the Empathic temperament, who have a tendency to be drawn “up” into the higher chakras or energy levels we could say, into thinking and spacey intuition, which may have a negative effect on them and lead to their “ungrounding” from their own power.  Remaining present and grounding is so much more vital for Sensitives and Empaths than for anyone else.


11. Ram Dass: Fierce Grace (2001 Documentary) MV5BMTY4MTg5MzI2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTU5NDkxMQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR109,0,630,1200_AL_

After Richard Alpert was fired from Harvard in 1963 for conducting psychedelic drug research, he journeyed to India, found a guru and was renamed Ram Dass (“Servant of God”). Soon, Ram Dass became a spiritual inspiration to people across the globe. Interspersing archival footage with intimate glimpses of Ram Dass today, RAM DASS FIERCE GRACE is a poignant meditation on hippiedom and spirituality.  (IMDB)

A lesser-known (perhaps hard to find) documentary,  on the spiritual teacher Ram Dass.  Inspiring for anyone with interest in spirituality, the 1960’s, or the a piece of spiritual history.    A very beautiful film in which we see the transformation of Ram Dass himself, his survival of a stroke and learning to deal with it, and the transformation of others along the way.


12. The Celestine Prophecy (2006) the-celestine-prophecy-movie-poster-2006-1020480870

An adaptation of James Redfield’s novel about the search for a sacred manuscript in the Peruvian rain forest.” (IMDB)

“Disillusioned and temporarily rudderless, John Woodson is about to experience a dramatic and profound metamorphosis. Through a mysterious set of coincidences, he finds himself on an adventure to Peru in search of ancient scrolls, known as the Celestine Prophecy. The prophecy and its nine key insights, predict a new awakening that redefines human life and provides a glimpse into a completely spiritual culture on earth. Resistant at first, skeptical and unsure, John finds that each step he takes, each person he encounters leads him to a new awakening. It is only in this letting go that he finds his destiny and comes to understand the meaning that had escaped him when his adventure began.”  – James Redfield

Keyword:  Synchronicity.  If you are into Synchronicity, and the seeing of energies, auras, etc., this movie may speak to you.  Warning: this movie was reviewed very poorly by critics (feel free to check), but may be enjoyed (not cinematically, necessarily), by Empaths and Sensitives for it’s voicing of a message that may resonate with their truth.

Incredibly corny at times, and certainly not a candidate to win any film awards.  That said, if one can look past the rather clumsy acting and execution (which, frankly, reminded me of the rather clunky dialogue of the book),   the message of one interconnected world, being open to synchronicity, and so on, is something that many Empaths may feel they resonate with, and can be rather inspirational.

13. Avatar (2009)32f11b88771756b748a427428565afdd--hd-wallpaper-iphone-avatar-movie

OK, OK.  Yes, it is very mainstream, very big-budget,  and the ending is rather disappointingly formulaic.   But…  Could we leave out a film featuring “blue people” who are so reminiscent of weird extraterrestrial Empaths?  (counselling their human friend to “feel the energy,” trying to live in peaceful harmony with their environments, etc.).

A very beautiful movie, in terms of setting, story, and everything.   As noted, the end is rather disappointingly predictable (the blue people defeat the bad guys in battle! Great.)   But still a wonderful movie that everyone may as well see at least once.

14. Good Will Hunting (1997) Good_Will_Hunting_theatrical_poster

“Will Hunting, a janitor at M.I.T., has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life.”  (IMDB)    Starring:  Robin Williams, Matt Damon.

A feel-good movie about a young man realizing his potential with the help of a mentor.  A nice movie that will bring your energy up into a more positive state, rather than down. 

15. The Big Short (2015)  The_Big_Short_teaser_poster

“Four denizens in the world of high-finance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid-2000s, and decide to take on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight.” (IMDB)

An enjoyable lighthearted look, full of plenty of comedy, into the rather serious subject of the deception that led to the Financial Crisis.   A rather silly film, but can satisfy Empaths’ interests in serious topics, while at the same time making us laugh and genuinely enjoy the movie.

16. Catch Me If You Can  (2002) 

The story of Frank Abagnale Jr., before his 19th birthday, successfully forged millions of dollars’ worth of checks while posing as a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and legal prosecutor as a seasoned and dedicated FBI agent pursues him.MV5BMTY5MzYzNjc5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTUyNTc2._V1_

New Rochelle, the 1960s. High schooler Frank Abagnale Jr. idolizes his father, who’s in trouble with the IRS. When his parents separate, Frank runs away to Manhattan with $25 in his checking account, vowing to regain dad’s losses and get his parents back together. Just a few years later, the FBI tracks him down in France; he’s extradited, tried, and jailed for passing more than $4,000,000 in bad checks. Along the way, he’s posed as a Pan Am pilot, a pediatrician, and an attorney. And, from nearly the beginning of this life of crime, he’s been pursued by a dour FBI agent, Carl Hanratty. What starts as cat and mouse becomes something akin to father and son.  (IMDB)

Another lighthearted piece that is fun all the way through, without any heavy energy for the Empath. Quite enjoyable to watch in its completeness, and a very empath-friendly choice.

A nice movie for any night of the week, entertaining and highly enjoyable.

17. Promised Land  (2012) MV5BMTQxNDYzNzgyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTU0NTI1OA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,675,1000_AL_

A salesman for a natural gas company experiences life-changing events after arriving in a small town, where his corporation wants to tap into the available resources.

Empath friendly film with environmental themes.

18. Groundhog Day (1993)MV5BZWIxNzM5YzQtY2FmMS00Yjc3LWI1ZjUtNGVjMjMzZTIxZTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,671,1000_AL_

A weather man is reluctantly sent to cover a story about a weather forecasting “rat” (as he calls it). This is his fourth year on the story, and he makes no effort to hide his frustration. On awaking the ‘following’ day he discovers that it’s Groundhog Day again, and again, and again. First he uses this to his advantage, then comes the realisation that he is doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the same place, seeing the same people do the same thing EVERY day.  – Rob Hartill (IMDB)

A great and genuinely funny (and in certain respects, definitely philosophical) film starring Bill Murray.    A certified classic.   One can take from this messages about learning to live in the moment, take the positives rather than the negatives from life, etc.  Just an all-around feel good and at times hilarious film.     Bill Murray at his best.   Feel good all the way through.

19. Juno (2007)MV5BMTIwMDgwODc5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjQzMDM4._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

Starring:  Ellen Page, Michael Cera.

Another film about young people (kind of like The Perks of Being a Wallflower) who are out of place misfits in this world.   A good feeling film.

Ellen Page and Michael Cera are also two very unique actors who we think are likely also Highly Sensitive People.

20.  Silver Linings Playbook (2012)MV5BMTM2MTI5NzA3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODExNTc0OA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,674,1000_AL_

Against medical advice and without the knowledge of her husband Pat Solatano Sr., caring Dolores Solatano discharges her adult son, Pat Solatano Jr., from a Maryland mental health institution after his minimum eight month court ordered stint. The condition of the release includes Pat Jr. moving back in with his parents in their Philadelphia home. Although Pat Jr.’s institutionalization was due to him beating up the lover of his wife Nikki, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Nikki has since left him and has received a restraining order against him. Although he is on medication (which he doesn’t take because of the way it makes him feel) and has mandatory therapy sessions, Pat Jr. feels like he can manage on the outside solely by healthy living and looking for the “silver linings” in his life. His goals are to get his old job back as a substitute teacher, but more importantly reunite with Nikki. . . . (Huggo, IMDB)

They may not exactly be Empaths, but these people are definitely psychologically different.  An enjoyable film all the way through.

21. The Dhamma Brothers (2008)  Poster_of_the_movie_The_Dhamma_Brothers

“Gives you hope for the human race.”  – Sister Helen Prejean

IMDB:  East meets West in the Deep South. An overcrowded maximum-security prison-the end of the line in Alabama’s correctional system-is dramatically changed by the influence of an ancient meditation program. Behind high security towers and a double row of barbed wire and electrical fence dwells a host of convicts who will never see the light of day. But for some of these men, a spark is ignited when it becomes the first maximum-security prison in North America to hold an extended Vipassana retreat, an emotionally and physically demanding course of silent meditation lasting ten days. The Dhamma Brothers tells a dramatic tale of human potential and transformation as it closely follows and documents the stories of the prison inmates at Donaldson Correction Facility who enter into this arduous and intensive program.

Inspirational and uplifting documentary about the introduction of Vipassana meditation into a maximum-security prison environment.   Many of the prisoners find themselves transformed by the practice, and eventually are seen coming together to try to keep the program from being cancelled.

Any movie that “gives one hope for the human race,” is surely one that needs to be seen by Empaths and Sensitives,  since they seem to be the involuntarily chosen healers and absorbers of anger, hatred, negativity, on our planet, and it is we Empaths and Sensitives who are most in need of remaining hopeful for our race and planet.



Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Introverts, and Feelings of Loneliness

I want to write about Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), and feelings of deep, profound, gutting, “loneliness” that they often find themselves having to deal with.

To begin with, the majority of HSPs would probably describe themselves as “Introverts”, in the sense that they recharge energy not through being in a group of people, but rather by having some time to themselves.

For that reason, HSPs will find it inevitably important to schedule sufficient periods of “downtime” into their lives.  Whether that means breaks from work, from friends and family even, etc.    It is important for them to have enough time for themselves to recharge, for their own mental and even physical health.

That said, from speaking with and working with many HSPs (and also from personal experience), I have found that HSPs are still likely to have dealt with (sometimes very acutely), at certain times in their lives (or for extended periods, or chronically even), feelings of “loneliness,”  “aloneness,”  wanting companionship, or just feeling a bit too alone.

It is interesting, because on one hand as HSP’s, we demand and crave aloneness — yet on the other hand, we can feel acutely separated and alone at times.

Part of this may have to do with our natural differences from others — as a minority of the population (say, 15-20% it is often estimated),  HSPs are outnumbered by those who think and feel perhaps not to the same degree of depth, or in the same way,  so they may isolate themselves,  consciously or unconsciously, from the grunting and mawing of regular society, which can be so exhausting, and often unfulfilling.

So why then should HSP’s also complain of feeling “too lonely” at times?   Are HSP’s just complainers?   Do they just want to have everything “just right”?

There may be something to that last suggesting — of everything needing to be “Just Right.”  We might call this the “Goldilocks Syndrome” (can’t be too hot, too cold, needs to be just perfect, or one feels uncomfortable).    Many of us as HSP’s may have been criticized, mocked, or blamed for seemingly being so hard to please — though we may be reluctant frankly to make demands on others,  others may see that we are made uncomfortable by anything outside of a specific range.

That is to say, that while HSP’s are more sensitive to goodness, joy, and beauty, they are also equally more sensitive to pain, sadness, and suffering.   There is a quote from Alan Watts to the effect that,  “One cannot become more sensitive to joy without correspondingly becoming more sensitive to precisely the same degree to suffering.”

Thus, while HSP’s may be able to derive tremendous joy, a wonderful feeling of serenity, calm, and fulfillment from just sitting alone quietly, perhaps by a river somewhere doing nothing  (one recalls Ram Dass saying, that after all of his years of spiritual practice, he is perfectly happy just to sit and look at a wall all day long — it brings him great joy);   at the same time,  they are also more sensitive to the negative feelings that may be associated with being a bit “too” alone.

That what others, the majority of the population, may feel as vague boredom,  for the Sensitive Person it may be a feeling of being struck from the depth of their heart, with a profound aloneness, sadness, lack of love, etc.    Even if they are not alone chronically!  Even if I was with my partner, best friend, or at work yesterday, if today I am suddenly all alone with nobody to turn to, this feeling may sneak up like a snake through the weeds!

It can certainly be surprising, for those of us who love solitude so much, to suddenly feel afflicted by our solitude.  Who saw it coming?   But it may help, at least a little bit, just to know that this is entirely a natural phenomenon, it is part of our being more sensitive to both the good things and the unpleasant in life;  we need not be ashamed of it;  and at the same time we need not (though we surely know this already!)  make a big deal of it either.    We can remember,  the most important words on the signet ring in the well-known story:   This Too Shall Pass. 

God Bless and Love to all Sensitive Persons who have felt loneliness, and who may even be feeling it now.   Here are some particular ways to deal with loneliness, as an HSP  (OK, just one overall suggestion, but perhaps more to come later:   )

  1.  Go Out for a Walk or Bike Ride (or some similar exercise) in a Natural Place

Nature and Exercise are two profoundly healthy and healing stimuli for the body, especially  for the Highly Sensitive Body.    Studies have found that people dealing with depression, may receive the same mood life they got by taking an anti-depressant pill, from simply going for a brisk walk.  Just 5-10 minutes of exercise (just tell yourself that, and you are likely to start enjoying yourself so much after 5-10 minutes, that you will want to stay out for 30 minutes or more — the whole day even),  has been to shown to lift one’s mood immensely.

If you want a longer term plan,  pack up some water bottles, a snack or two, etc., whatever makes you feel comfortable, maybe bring a book to read or something interesting to look at,  put them in a backpack,  and head out for a long bike ride somewhere.   Make a day of it.  Make your own picnic.   If it is a nice day, you are sure to end up having a glorious day on your own.

There is a quote from Emerson to the effect that, the Oyster becomes more beautiful through healing it’s own shell with Pearl.

That is, when you can learn to deal with your emotions yourself, and to sit with (or bike with, walk with, run with, exercise with), what you are feeling, you become stronger, more beautiful, a more real person.    All the best people are the people who have struggled with physical or emotional pain or difficulty.    All the most meaningful people’s lives have been fraught with tough times of varying degrees.

So perhaps we should celebrate our loneliness or feelings of pain, no?   It makes us deeper, more compassionate, more beautiful people in the end.  Even if you can’t tell that that is happening now.

Highly Sensitive Men (HSM), the Masculine, and Gandhi

I have been quite interested in the last few years in the phenomena of Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), largely because I am a Highly Sensitive Person myself;  and in particular recently in Highly Sensitive Men; again, because I am one myself.

What is High Sensitivity?  This is how I summed it up in the introduction to my own HSP group:

High Sensitivity is an innate psycho-physical trait which comes with great benefits but also very real challenges.  It is found in 15-20% of the population — too many to be a disorder, but not enough to be well understood by the majority of those around you. HSPs have a greater sensitivity to their surroundings, often greater empathy (generally involuntary), a tendency to pick up on myriad subtleties in their environments, as well as to be overwhelmed more easily, due precisely to their perception involuntarily picking up on so much….


The bulk of the research on this has been done by the terrific Dr Elaine Aron, who pioneered this research and work, and has written several books and done much to publicize the emerging-ly understood phenomenon of HSP.   This trait, I would remind non-HSP’s as well as HSP’s themselves, is well-supported by empirical research.   Elaine Aron’s website, HSPerson.com, is a great starting point.



But why I am interested in the situation of Highly Sensitive Men (HSM), is multi-faceted.

For one thing, I find there to be what we might call an interesting tension between the masculine archetype on the one hand — which David Deida, for example, characterizes as being defined by an “unwavering consciousness”, as well as a toughness or independence, an ability to stand outside of a situation and view it dispassionately, an ability to be a warrior, whether physical or spiritual; and so on.

masculine archetypes in films
The masculine archetype has as one of it’s features a toughness and independence.


And on the other hand, the situation of Highly Sensitive Men. Being more sensitive to the stimuli in their environment, it may be more difficult for Highly Sensitive Men to maintain their strong and unwavering consciousness —


Largely because, simply we might say, their consciousness is aware of so much more    than the consciousness of the majority of the human population.

As empaths or sensitives, they are taking in a tremendous amount of stimuli;  and this much more easily leads to over-stimulation, giving them what might seem like a less strong or masculine aspect.

Also an increased sensitivity to pain, to loud noises or bright lights, to the emotions and energies of others around them;  would all seem to contribute to making it more difficult for the Highly Sensitive Man to take on the Warrior archetype.


That said, perhaps we should be mindful of the great achievements of certain Highly Sensitive Men throughout history, who were warriors in their own way.


The most relevant to this discussion jump out as Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi.  These two were almost certainly Highly Sensitive Men.

Gandhi’s story in particular is the story of the evolution and growth of a man who was incredibly sensitive (for all of his life).   In childhood, Gandhi’s sensitivity made him at times painfully shy and nervous.  Even having grown up and moved to England, he had a terrific fear of public speaking.

In his autobiography, Gandhi recounts the story of how he was to make a brief address at his Vegetarian club (really an unimposing small group of unusual Englishmen, the English vegetarians of the 19th century) — he planned merely to read his speech off of a paper, but upon standing up, his head spun and he nearly fainted from this novel situation, and was unable to read his speech.  He gave it to another man to read it out for him.

This was the same man, who years later would address millions, who would speak to crowds of many thousands, with an extraordinary self-assuredness and not a trace of fear or uncertainty.  A man who would become one of the greatest leaders of his century, and indeed one of the greatest human leaders in history.

Gandhi, one of history’s most famous HSPs.  Having had to overcome his own fears, a warrior in his own right?


Gandhi’s example shows that Highly Sensitive Men, by embracing their unique gifts, can become spiritual warriors of the highest degree.  In our next post, we will examine more carefully the example of Gandhi, and how he used his sensitivity to his advantage, despite the real difficulties it must have put in his way.

The wish of the HSP or Empath to “Help the World,” and preliminary thoughts on roles as teachers

[Appended Note: though this post came from the heart, it is of something of a low quality, largely due to the feelings of mental fatigue and residue of slight overwhelm referred to in the narrative. The quality of the thinking or writing may not be top-notch, and I have not yet been able to take this and edit it for improvements. Just wanted to let you know. Peace and goodwill.]

I have been very tired today – actually, mostly this afternoon. It has been a good but busy day here at Amritapuri, Amma’s Ashram in Kerala.

In the morning I did my laundry (handwash in a bucket as always), before going off to do my Seva shift with the compost team.

After this I had lunch, prior to coming back to my room. My roommate, Didanath, is a really cool and nice guy; he has been affiliated with Amma in some way since 1989, when at the age of 5 he met Amma with his mother. At that time Amma had only a handful of followers.

Amritapuri ashram, by the  Kerala backwaters
Amritapuri ashram, by the Kerala backwaters

Now of course, Amma must have thousands upon thousands of followers worldwide. I am not sure precisely what is the population of this ashram, but at any given time, particularly on weekends, there must be at least a thousand (perhaps a couple of thousands) of people here.

This must be one of the largest ashrams on earth, if not the very largest.

What actually tired out and overwhelmed me perhaps the most today, was talking at such length with my roommate Didanath. As I said, he is a really cool guy. That said, perhaps many HSP’s can relate to the notion of being thoroughly worn out by certain conversations, particularly with extroverts, particularly at certain times of the day, or in certain circumstances.

As it stands, this is not quite the easiest circumstance for me – that of sharing a room.

I think many HSP’s will recognize this feeling – the difficulty of lacking one’s own, completely private space to spend time in.

My situation is not so bad, as I am very lucky and blessed, that as Didanath is in many ways part of Amma’s own “inner circle” he actually spends very little time in the room itself. So a lot of the time it is my room.

But, I really like to have my own space, as I believe is the case with most HSP’s. It gives a feeling of security, of safety.

In any case, I could have just not spoken to D very much this afternoon. I was very tired – after doing my morning’s work, and then having a substantial lunch, I had entered what felt like a “siesta/rest” time of the day.

But, how to say…. I guess, since we have been roommates for several days already, and have barely spoken at all, I just wanted to “get him on my side,” so to speak. To show that I was a good person, and to develop some camaraderie, friendship, or at least good feelings, between us.

And in that, I think this being – this Highly Sensitive Person, with ulterior motives – was pretty successful.

We all want to be liked. And we all want others around us to think and to know that we like them as well (at least, HSP’s generally feel this way).

And so that was good. It tired me out, and it prevented me from perhaps being productive in other ways that I had planned.

But perhaps it is all for the best.

The Purpose of HSP’s here on Earth?

This discussion tunes me into and reminds me a little bit of the wider subject of higher purposes, particularly of those who are HSP’s or what are called in some circles, “Empaths.”

I get the impression, reading the literature on HSP’s and Empaths, and also speaking to the HSP’s and Empaths whom I know personally, that HSP’s/Empaths above all tend to have a strong sense of their purpose and drive as being some destiny or importance to help others or to help the world.

There seems to be a strong element and desire for selfless service in the HSP or Empath.

(In this sense, life at projects like Sadhana Forest, as well as at Ashrams such as Amma’s Ashram, where there is a focus on karma yoga, or the yoga of action – manifesting as Seva or selfless service (that is, work not for one’s own personal good, but work as spiritual practice, or work for the good of humanity, etc.) would seem to be something that HSP’s and Empaths should give a try to sometime during their lives. I personally highly recommend trying to get into some sort of voluntarism or selfless service – that said, I tend to believe that likely the majority of HSP’s are already involved in some kinds of voluntary work already)…

I have noted in myself, even when it comes to something as mundane as “conversations” – that often there will arise in me a strong drive, simply, to “make the other person happy.”

Often, there will be a feeling on my own end, that a conversation, that talking, is really not something that I want to do right now.empath thing aura bubble

I feel like it will wear me out, suck out my energy, etc., etc.

But there is a feeling that it may be good for the other person.

So it was in part this early afternoon with Didanath. I wanted to make him happy, and make him feel good about the arrangement in his room.

Though of course there was also my own personal ulterior motive previously alluded to – that of making my roommate “like me” – and become an ally and friend of mine, particularly useful early on in this relationship, prior to any possible issues arising with the room and energies surrounding it.

This leads to the interesting question, of whether we, as HSP’s or Empaths, are really helping people, by simply making them feel happy (even when it is done through an activity that we may experience as draining).

I believe this is a complex question, and may depend on the individual situation.

That said, I was very inspired to read at one time, in this direction, something about the mission of HSP’s and Empaths in general, “on earth.”

As Empaths, we tend to be able to take on the negative feelings and energies of other people.

We can sometimes absorb all of their energies like a sponge (and generally do).

That said, I was reading (and now I wish I remembered the source), that the real mission of HSP’s is not simply to absorb everyone’s energy, and give back love and light.

But that rather, in particular, the mission of HSP’s is not simply to alter people’s moods, in the moment, but —

To show people how not to be attached to their changing moods; or to show them how to bring out positivity in themselves, by themselves or for themselves.

(A little bit like the simple old proverb – that to give a man a fish is to feed him for a day, but to teach him to fish, is to feed him for a lifetime.)

I was struck and inspired by this notion and image of HSP’s and Empaths as teachers. As teachers in particular of how to avoid negativity, and how to bring out the sensitivity, positivity, and light, which are the true homes of HSP’s when they are in balance.

Thoughts for Later On

As I am wearing myself out a little bit writing all of this, on this long day, perhaps I should pause here for now.

That said, I wish to take this up in more detail in future posts – I wish to continue to look along the lines of, how specifically HSPs or Empaths can be teachers of these disciplines… And what sort of disciplines in particular these are.

The first things that come to me are that the disciplines of mindfulness, of equanimity, of meditation, and so on, would seem to be largely central in this regard.

That Empaths and HSP’s – so prone to getting caught in the world-wide-web of emotional energy, that is all around us, themselves – could, if they are able to master certain techniques for handling these powerful emotional energies – end up being individuals who can pass on this knowledge to the rest of the world.

Perhaps HSPs and Empaths can, then, help the world in this way. I like the thought that this can be the kind of positive outlet for the desire for selfless service that is native to the HSP temperament.

I am very interested as always to hear your feedback. Love and peace. : )